Kann mir jemand die Controllerbelegung zum "Feuer absorbieren" für die XBOX sagen?
Finde nur Belegungen für PS und PC und bekomme den Pyromane nicht gezähmt.
Controllerbelegung zum zähmen vom Pyromane auf der XBOX
- Survival Ascended
- NataschaGER
- Erledigt
Habe nun das gefunden. Frage hat sich somit erledigt.
Shoulder mount: if you set the pyromane to aggressive, it will flamethrower everything you go near setting it on fire. Enemies, Dino’s, tames ext. this INCLUDES while you are flying. If you are on a bird the pyromane will flamethrower anything that flies near or comes near youGround mount: when in full size form you can hotkey the transformation so it’s super quick.
You can absorb fire with (R1HOLD+ L2TAP) [PlayStation] OR (RbHOLD +LtTAP) [XBOX]
You can leave a fire trail behind it with (L2HOLD) or (LTHOLD)
And you can SUPERCHARGE all attacks and fire with (R1HOLD+R2TAP) or (RbHOLD+RTTAP)
Hotkey to transform is R on keyboard, (R1+R3) or (RB+R3)