Moschops - Harz

  • Schau mal im englischen Wiki... da steht aus was er was farmt...

    The following options for improving are available:
    ResourceGather Note

    20px-Leech_Blood.png?version=819313daf3bca9bcf1cee6069bdcbd4f Leech Blood Harvest leeches or deathworms.
    20px-Organic_Polymer.png?version=f28c6c8ca3f13a16903d211df23f7cc4 Organic Polymer Harvest kairuku or mantis.One smart strategy for farming polymer is raising and breeding penguins for polymer. You can harvest polymer effectively and in the safety of your own base. Take note that adult tamed penguins drop more polymer than baby tamed penguins.
    20px-Rare_Flower.png?version=f4ab0b2164a0e113f305a29ddd6656f6 Rare Flower The Island: Wander enabled near the appropriate bushes in the Swamp, Snow Biome or mountainous regions. Scorched Earth: Wander enabled near the purple/white flowers on Scorched Earth.
    20px-Rare_Mushroom.png?version=c501bd71b4c7e29036d8072f55edd63a Rare Mushroom The Island: Wander enabled near trees within the Swamp. Scorched Earth: Wander enabled near the appropriate bush nodes.
    20px-Raw_Prime_Meat.png?version=7136b255b763e68d423b8f5cceb82407 Raw Prime Meat Harvest appropriate corpses.
    20px-Sap.png?version=4cb95e3ce6663987a034b67ef9cec006 Sap Scorched Earth only: Wander enabled near to Joshua Trees.

    • As the creature is riderless, Attack This Target is the most convenient means to harvest corpses.

    Also mit anderen Worten, das macht er nur auf SE.

  • Naja, auf den Standartkarten ist es ja relativ easy an Baumharz zu kommen... Plattform in den Redwood zimmern und dann die Zapfhähne dran... dann dauert es 10-15 Minuten und du hast 20 Baumharz.

    *Edit: du kannst auch mehre Zapfhähne an einem Baum machen, dann haste natürlich noch mehr...

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