All Advanced Rafts Include:
User Selectable 3PV Camera Zoom (Adjusted Default, 3x, 6x & 9x)
Cargo Hold (Weight based inventory)
Half Speed Reverse
Speed Toggle (Full/Half/Slow activated with Radial Menu)
Bell and Fog Horn (Activate with inventory buttons)
Crafted in Inventory or Crafting Station
Level 15, 0 EP, Requires Wooden Raft Engram
Advanced Raft
Speed: 1x
Build Radius: 1x
Structure Limit: 1x
Cargo Hold Capacity: 1500
Crafting Requirements: 250 Wood, 125 Fiber, 75 Hide
Advanced Raft (Large)
Speed: 1x
Build Radius: 2x
Structure Limit: 6x
Cargo Hold Capacity: 3000
Crafting Requirements: 250 Wood, 200 Fiber, 150 Hide
Advanced Dingy
Can follow player, dinos and other rafts
Speed: 1.5x
Build Radius: N/A
Structure Limit: N/A
Cargo Hold Capacity: 250
Crafting Requirements: 50 Wood, 25 Fiber
Advanced Cog
Speed: 1.3x
Build Radius: 1x
Structure Limit: 1x
Cargo Hold Capacity: 1000
Crafting Requirements: 250 Wood, 125 Fiber, 150 Hide
Advanced Longship
Speed: 1.3x
Build Radius: 1x
Structure Limit: 1x
Cargo Hold Capacity: 500
Crafting Requirements: 125 Wood, 75 Fiber, 100 Hide
Advanced Galleon
Speed: 1x
Build Radius: 1x
Structure Limit: 1x
Cargo Hold Capacity: 1500
Crafting Requirements: 400 Wood, 200 Fiber, 200 Hide
All Sails Include:
Can be fueled to light a flame at the top of the mast
Emits Heat and Light when fueled (like a torch)
Can burn Oil, Gas and Various Dyes for a colored flame
Crafted in Inventory or Crafting Station
Level 15, 0 EP, Requires Wooden Raft Engram
Single Sails:
Sail (Small)
Sail (Medium)
Sail (Large)
Sail (XL)
Double Sails:
Sail 2 (Small)
Sail 2 (Medium)
Sail 2 (Large)
Sail 2 (XL)
Front to Rear Sails:
Sail 3 (Small)
Sail 3 (Medium)
Sail 3 (Large)
Sail 3 (XL)
All Cannon Include:
Ability to be picked up
Selectable Fire Mode, Can shoot Fireworks or Cannonballs
Crafted in Inventory or Crafting Station
Level 35, 0 EP, Requires Primitive Cannon Engram
Adv. Cannon
Adv. Cannon (Small)
This mod includes the following decor engrams:
Advanced Rafts Crafting Station
Ship Vent
Ship Chimney
Ship Chimney (Stone)
Ship Chimney 2 (Stone)
Cannonball Pile
Ship Smithy
Flotation Device
Storage Barrel
Water Barrel
Beer Barrel
Preserving Barrel
Barrel Stack
Egg Incubator
Package (3 Sizes)
Crate (2 Sizes)
Galley Chair
Galley Barstool
Tables (3 Sizes)
Galley Bar
Wall Cabinet
Bottles (2 Types)
Plate, Mug & Pitcher
Beds (4 Types)
End Table
Paint Bucket
Chum Bucket
Table Map
Ships Log
Wall Lights (3 Types)
Navigation Light
String Lights
Ship Helm (2 Types)
Storage Can (2 Sizes)
Crop Planter (3 Sizes)
Dragon Figurehead
Quetz Skeleton Figurehead
Bronto Figurehead
Fire Wyvern Figurehead
Lightning Wyvern Figurehead
Poison Wyvern Figurehead
Female Figurehead
Lighthouse Beacon
Stone Searchlight
Stone Wall Searchlight
Paddle Wheel
Anchor Mount, Chain and Anchor
Wood Elevator Track
Wood Elevator Crank
Small Wood Elevator Platform
Rope Railing
Dock Foundation
Dock Railing